This page describes the Breathing Component that ships with Motion. The Breathing Component provides camera movement for when the player stands still, moving it up and to the side, for a more immersive and dynamic experience.
Event Handler
Name | Description |
HandleOnEventBeginPlay | Called when "Event Begin Play" gets called. Sets up events & creates curve. |
HandleOnTransitionMaximum | Called when a transition reaches it's peak. Used to update the offset curve configuration. |
HandleOnVelocityBegin | Called when the player moves. |
HandleOnVelocityStop | Called when the player stops moving.. |
Name | Description |
CameraOffsetCurve | The curve used to move the camera when breathing. |
bShowDebugInformation | If true, various useful variables will be printed on the screen to help with debugging. |
bIsEnabled | If false, the component stops sending commands to the curve manager and only prints debug information, if enabled. |
Name | Description |
CurveType | Type description of the curves generated by this component. |
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