This page describes the BaseCurveManager Component that ships with Motion. The Base Curve Manager contains the core logic required by all managers.
It handles curve registrations, transition registrations, maintains their status and progress and calls the "Array Updated" function of its child classes.
Curve Functions
Name | Description |
AddCurve | Adds a new curve to the curve array. |
DeleteCurve | Removes a specified curve. Returns false if the specified curve could not be found. |
GetCurveByComponent | Tries to find a curve by its identifier. Returns its index if found, returns -1 if not. |
GetCurveByIdentifier | Tries to find a curve by its identifier. Returns its index if found, returns -1 if not. |
SetCurveTickRate | Sets a Motion Curve's tickrate to the specified value. |
UnpauseCurve | Unpauses a specified curve. Returns false if the specified curve could not be found. |
Name | Description |
DeleteTransition | Removes a transition from the array. |
GetTransitionByIdentifier | Tries to find a transition given its configuration. Returns its index if found, returns -1 if not. |
GetTransitionsByComponent | Returns all transitions that are associated with the provided component. Returns an empty array if none are found. |
PauseTransition | Sets the pause state for all transitions of a given Curved Component. |
SetInTransitionState | Updates the transition flag for a transition. |
SetTransitionPauseState | Sets the pause state for a given curve transition. |
StartTransition | Adds a new transition to the array and updates the source curve's transition state. |
UpdateTransition | Updates the active transition seconds of a transition and determines position. |
UpdateTransitionArray | Loops through all Motion Curve Transitions, updates their progression & triggers transition updates as required. |
Name | Description |
HandleEventBeginPlay | Called when "Event Begin Play" gets called. Sets up core references. |
HandleEventTick | Called every tick. Handles core logic. |
Name | Description |
PrintDebugInformation | Prints useful information on the screen. Helpful for debugging. |
Name | Description |
UpdateCurveArray | Loops through all registered Motion Curves, updates them & triggers update events. |
ValidateCurve | Checks if the provided component and curve vector are valid objects. |
Name | Description |
bShowDebugInformation | If true, various useful variables will be printed on the screen to help with debugging. |
bIsEnabled | If false, the manager will only print debug data and not update any curves. |
Manager Data
Name | Description |
ActiveMotionCurveTransitions | Array containing all registered transitions. |
ActiveMotionCurves | Array containing all registered curves. |
Last updated